Trigonometry sketch created with P5 a graphics library in JavaScript. The sketch uses trigonometry functions to translate polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.
P5.js is a graphics library for JavaScript, it is based on Processing. In the process of learning p5, I wanted to create something challenging.
Another topic I was reading about was Polar coordinates and the translation to Cartesian coordinates. So, I decided to do something with trigonometry. The Wikipedia page might look intimidating. However, translating the coordinates between the two is just some basic math. Just check out the code below!
Here is the result:
Code used in the P5 sketch (actual url to sketch):
var r = 150;
var angle = 0;
// flag to check if angle should increment or use the angleSlider's value
var shouldIncrement = true;
var rSlider, angleIncSlider, angleSlider;
function setup() {
createCanvas(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
// creating sliders to change variables
rSlider = createSlider(1, 255, r);
rSlider.position(20, height - 50);
// slider for the value to increament angle by
angleIncSlider = createSlider(0, 5, 1, 0.1);
angleIncSlider.position(20, rSlider.y - 20);
angleIncSlider.mousePressed(function () {
shouldIncrement = true;
// slider to specify angle directly
angleSlider = createSlider(0, 360, angle, 1);
angleSlider.position(20, angleIncSlider.y - 20);
angleSlider.mousePressed(function () {
shouldIncrement = false;
// this sketch will use DEGREES instead of RADIANS
function draw() {
// draw from the center of the screen
translate(width / 2, height / 2);
// retrieve the radius what our circle should be
r = rSlider.value();
ellipse(0, 0, r * 2, r * 2); // diameter of circle = radius * 2
// first calculate the cos and sin of angle
* I store this value so I don't need to
* calculate it again when printing on the screen, saves a few calculations :)
var acos = cos(angle);
var asin = sin(angle);
// calculate the x and y values from our current angle
var x = r * acos;
var y = r * asin;
// draw a small circle at the calculated point (size = 1/15 of the big circle)
fill(255, 0, 0, 200);
ellipse(x, y, r / 15, r / 15);
// draw the triangle
stroke(255, 100);
// line from center to calculated point, this stays the hypotenuse independed of the current angle
line(0, 0, x, y);
// this is the straight line which stays fixed on the x axis, only it's calculated y value moves
line(0, 0, 0, y);
// last line to connect the 2
line(0, y, x, y);
// the angle changes based on which slider is used last
if (shouldIncrement) {
angle += angleIncSlider.value();
} else {
angle = angleSlider.value();
// draw all the numbers and labels for sliders
var tx = 10 - width / 2; // text x position. Because sketch is translated the top left need to recalculate
var ty = height / 2; // text y position
text('angle: ' + nf(angle, 0, 2), tx, 20 - ty);
text('x,y: ' + nf(x, 0, 2) + ' | ' + nf(y, 0, 2), tx, 35 - ty);
text('cos(angle): ' + nf(acos, 0, 2), tx, 50 - ty);
text('cos(angle): ' + nf(asin, 0, 2), tx, 65 - ty);
text('radius: ' + r, tx, 80 - ty);
// slider labels
text('Radius slider', tx + rSlider.x + rSlider.width + 20, -ty + rSlider.y + textSize());
text('Incremental slider', tx + angleIncSlider.x + angleIncSlider.width + 20, -ty + angleIncSlider.y + textSize());
text('Angle slider', tx + angleSlider.x + angleSlider.width + 20, -ty + angleSlider.y + textSize());
// reset the angle when it's above 360 degrees. The calculated values would stay the same, but just for correctness
if (angle > 360) angle = 0;
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polar_coordinate_system